Wondering why i have been banned.

Discussion in 'Main' started by Frank, Dec 5, 2014.

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  1. Frank

    Frank Новичок

    Slider2k who has been team killing me for the entire week (who never gets banned for it) revived me on a final map, and then intentionally killed me, this is after a moderator Незнайка warned everyone that if anyone intentionally TK's they will be perm banned. Slider2k revived me with defib, then killed me right away. And even admitted to it on voice mic that he did it intentionally so i asked the moderator Незнайка why he was not banned, and next thing you know after Slider2k rants about his grudge for me on mic i get banned.
    And banned for Racism when i never made 1 racist remark. Here are some screenshots of slider intentionally teamkilling, he then says the reason why "You talk to much shit" when i did not even say 1 thing to him in the server the entire time.

    I enjoy this server, i am helpful and nice when i play, i feel that Slider2k is being treated differently by the mods than everyone els because of his rank and will never be banned for his teamkilling and pure angst for people he calls "noobs". He has been requested to be banned by the majority of the server nearly every day since i started playing and not 1 vote kick has ever been established. He has not only teamkilled me today, but every day since i complained the first time a week ago.

    Attached Files:

  2. Frank

    Frank Новичок

    Another screen shot of the reason i was banned.
    Does not make sense.
    Maybe i think because i am an American i am being treated this way..
    My best friend is Russian, and he saved me from drowning 5 years ago, i am no bigot on Russians.
    Hell i am Serbian even.... So i am confused as to why i am banned, and Slider2k is not.

    Attached Files:

  3. Accelerator

    Accelerator Главный Администратор Staff Member Администратор

    It is not our server.
  4. Frank

    Frank Новичок

    Then why does it say to come here when banned?
  5. Accelerator

    Accelerator Главный Администратор Staff Member Администратор

    We do not have any relation to this server. They use our plug-ins and do not even bother to change the link.

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