It's too OP

Discussion in 'Main' started by Neptune, Jan 4, 2017.

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  1. Neptune

    Neptune Новичок

    3 hours ago, I notice that in versus server Charger death stroke (when charger hit 2nd after got someone) can send survivors flying and kill them instantly. I don't know if it's an update or a bug, but if it is a bug, please do something. 8 survivors(bot) died in 1 charge that is really something.

    PS I just register while ago so I cant post in English forum, I'll go that next time
  2. Accelerator

    Accelerator Главный Администратор Staff Member Администратор

    Bug fixed. Check. :)
  3. Neptune

    Neptune Новичок

    check. It is alright thank you. I'll looking for other bug

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