Autoban unban request

Discussion in 'Main' started by Jjck, Jan 1, 2020.

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  1. Jjck

    Jjck Новичок


    I accidentally shot a fireworks box which a player stood in and became downed, they then died and I was autobanned for team damage.

    The duration is 10 hours, however I am extremely active and usually try my best not to tk, would like to get this sorted out as soon as possible: Excited to get back into the game!

    STEAM_1:0:186821392 (Jjck)

  2. Accelerator

    Accelerator Главный Администратор Staff Member Администратор

  3. Jjck

    Jjck Новичок

    Thanks man
  4. corwin

    corwin Новичок

    want to unban ,because ping too high for tk ,plx steam id :corwin0502
  5. corwin

    corwin Новичок


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