Server are down

Discussion in 'Main' started by DONKEY, Jan 21, 2020.

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    DONKEY Новичок

    Russian Coop server is down. I ate breakfast, pooped, watched youtube videos, masturbated and now I want to play XD

    I need my daily routine!
    cuctpa and iOFl like this.
  2. Accelerator

    Accelerator Главный Администратор Staff Member Администратор

    There was an accident on the hosting. You can start the day from the beginning :D
  3. ƌɷՈĶϵʯ

    ƌɷՈĶϵʯ Пользователь Участник

    Got any good pornhub links, accel? ;)
  4. Accelerator

    Accelerator Главный Администратор Staff Member Администратор

    In about an hour the server will work.
  5. ƌɷՈĶϵʯ

    ƌɷՈĶϵʯ Пользователь Участник

    That's going to be a lot of masturbating...
    cuctpa likes this.
  6. ZoOom

    ZoOom Администратор сервера Coop Участник

    donkey brother, your server is dying of your sexuality :D
    Atlantis, Arturka and cuctpa like this.

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