2077 ending + prizes

Discussion in 'Main' started by ☆ PheX, Aug 31, 2020.

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  1. ☆ PheX

    ☆ PheX Новичок Участник

    So the event is about to end and I got a 1 month vip that i would like to gift to other person. The event post said only top player can give their prize so that only aplies to the one who gets 4 months or can you gift it if you get only 1 month?

    Hope you had a good time during the event and didn't play in excess like me =\
  2. Accelerator

    Accelerator Главный Администратор Staff Member Администратор

    Alas, it is impossible to transfer the prize to another player who did not take first place, according to the terms of the competition :)
    Arturka likes this.

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