Complaing about Iris' authoritarion admin management

Discussion in 'Left 4 Dead 2 / Coop' started by The Engineer, Aug 23, 2023.


Remove admin from Iris for being too abusive on the server

  1. Yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. No

    16 vote(s)
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  1. Arturka

    Arturka Постоянный пользователь Участник

    Iris никто не уберет, успокойтесь и живите дальше, бессмысленная трата времени)))
    Moroz likes this.
  2. Ogoom

    Ogoom Активный пользователь Участник

    your concern with Iris comes straight out of past topic since engie typed too much bullshit with no proofs, Iris follows the rules and you making drama out of it.
    Iris likes this.
  3. ✿Kira✿

    ✿Kira✿ Постоянный пользователь Участник

    Okay, but what prevents you from conditionally becoming an admin? Or become an admin for someone who is a native speaker? This is your server, and you are playing on it. There are very few Russian speakers there and they are mostly silent. It's purely your problem that you don't have normal admins. So it makes no sense to come to the forum now and cry that Iris is offending you.
    Нейтрал, Natalie and Ogoom like this.
  4. Moroz

    Moroz Активный пользователь Участник

    Суетологи, давайте спать, а то я не могу из-за таких движений уснуть
  5. Ogoom

    Ogoom Активный пользователь Участник

    bet ur translator is broken cus there was no insults
    sugoi likes this.
  6. sugoi

    sugoi Активный пользователь Участник

    her is as well :D
  7. Natalie

    Natalie Пользователь Участник

    of course its the guy that goes around yelling n-word that has problem, and he still not text muted
  8. Ogoom

    Ogoom Активный пользователь Участник

    he is, and he was text muted for racism before getting vc muted, still saying there was no warning, like text mute is not enough warning
    Natalie likes this.

    RUWLIN Пользователь Участник

    предлагаю лишить Ириску прав, потому что она меня ваншотнула, когда мы играли на сервах первого лефтача, лет 10 назад
    считаю что причина подходящая
  10. mk1

    mk1 Активный пользователь Участник

    Oh i remember how you are respect ppl, stop joking, you harrass ppl as much as you can usually, seems more like Iris on server prevent you from it. Remember how you liked to turn on monkey sounds on server and etc. Idk if you are still cause didnt play a long time on EU when you are online.

    Even if this servers have EU or US in name its still Russian servers for ppl from other countries to separate ppl by language.
    And If you and your company of such ppl who like to insult ppl and agressive play will leave server barley it will effect server somehow.
  11. The Engineer

    The Engineer Новичок

    If you still hold a grudge about that all these years then it just proves you and your e-girl should seek for professional help immediatly and would not even be even be discussing about this in the first place. Since i touched your heart só much no i dont play sounds anymore but since you like to talk about past that much i dont remember you being a saint either. I already forget and forgive whatever you did bad in the past and i hold no grudge on you or your egirl because past is past. If she has a problem personally with me she should be the one addresing it towards me personally, not you. Have a good one dude
    Natalie likes this.
  12. Natalie

    Natalie Пользователь Участник

    There is no problem from me, you're the one with the problem it seems. For whatever reason you kept shooting the AWP away from me, and even ended up incapping me. (still have the demo) Was it some joke? i don't recall being your friend at all. This isn't about you and me, it's about your character and the way you behave in this game, and saying that iris is abusing power. I've been playing often, and see the way you still behave such a way, provoking others to break rules by telling them to say "knee grow" in the voice chat. The only abuse of power is, the fact you haven't been text+voice muted already. In the same chats, you and smurf said the n-word , and only smurf was muted it. Be grateful for the bypasses you get. All the people that been muted so far, as i've seen, has been done rightfully so. If you can't own up the things you said and apologize yourself to get mut removed , then the mute is deserved. Iris, just doing her job.
  13. The Engineer

    The Engineer Новичок

    Then if you have that demo you can see in chat that i said sorry twice on that same game. I didnt shoot you on purpose nor to start any more dramas with you, as i said up past is past i dont hold grudges on you and even if i had any i would deal with you personally. I got muted in text for the right motives already, if makes you relieved. Also doesn't suprise the fact that some of these mutes are caused by you getting easily offended my the smallest insults, everyday i see people getting offended and offending back and forth and on a few minutes they forget about it. You on the other hand gets offended with every little insult throw at you and instead of tought up and swallow that you complain everytime someone says a small bad word hurts your feelings, ive seen in previous reports... Imagine if we all reported to admins every time we get offended by people? Admins would have no peace.. Toxicity will always exist in games, some sightly some more severe and admins should deal with each sepparately in the most fair way possible, but yourself needs to start to grow up and take those small one word insults like most ppl do on the server, ignore and keep playing. Unless if it is something really really hateful towards you, then I suggest you stop wasting time pinging admins. Ofc you dont care about the situation that much, it benefits you right? But then again its my opinion. Valueless...
  14. ✿Kira✿

    ✿Kira✿ Постоянный пользователь Участник

    n-word it's nigga or nigger??
    hash likes this.
  15. céleste

    céleste Администратор сервера Coop Участник

    reliever and Iris like this.
  16. iOFl

    iOFl Постоянный пользователь Участник

    On ru coop-24 the only n-word is Neutral :v
  17. ✿Kira✿

    ✿Kira✿ Постоянный пользователь Участник

    Ааа, а я думала сова
    reliever likes this.
  18. pahatunhik

    pahatunhik Пользователь Участник

    at least i havent played on any of servers for a long time, spsly on EU server, i still couldnt get past this situation
    knowing Iris for a very long time i can only say good things about her, she is rly good friend and admin
    she is one of those few people who does her "job" and she doesnt care who you are for her - a friend or just a familiar person, she will "punish" you anyway
    and im not the only one who has this opinion about her
    so guys mb u should change game or stop playin? maybe yall are blind or dont see the obvious things or dont want to notice them cos you have been playing the same game for so many years and it has become normal for yall?
    might be yall thats the problem?
    have a good day sirs :)
    Нейтрал, Iris, Natalie and 3 others like this.
  19. Moroz

    Moroz Активный пользователь Участник

    you're sexist bro. The problems are in you because you insult girls or you lack female attention and in this way you are trying to raise it. Come to the ru server, we will quickly change you
    ✿Kira✿ likes this.
  20. Somebody

    Somebody Постоянный пользователь Участник

    these things should be dealt with on the server's discord,because that's where the eu and eng server players are.
    --- добавлено: Aug 24, 2023 7:03 AM ---

    are we offended by this? o_O
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2023

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