Complaing about Iris' authoritarion admin management

Discussion in 'Left 4 Dead 2 / Coop' started by The Engineer, Aug 23, 2023.


Remove admin from Iris for being too abusive on the server

  1. Yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. No

    16 vote(s)
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  1. The Engineer

    The Engineer Новичок

    Bro doesn't know how to read or argue, dont talk no more dude, less to pretend u know me for years
  2. Moroz

    Moroz Активный пользователь Участник

    Не давайте этой бестолочи размут, пусть сидит впитывает теперь
    ✿Kira✿ likes this.
  3. ✿Kira✿

    ✿Kira✿ Постоянный пользователь Участник

    No, i hate nigger)
  4. Evredian

    Evredian Новичок

    Ирис - замечательный человек, она первая кто обратила на меня внимание на сервере.
    Это человек с которым можно общаться в любое время, даже если вы не разговаривали какое-то время, то при следующем начатом диалоге с ней вы почувствуете как будто он и не заканчивался.
    Когда я боялась говорить в микро, она поделилась своим опытом после которого мне стало не так страшно. С ней можно поделиться своими проблемами или победами, будь они маленькие или огромные.
    Таким образом, я могу еще много-много положительных моментов рассказать с Ирис. но не могу одного негативного, потому что такого не было. Я не думаю что такой замечательрый цветочек посмеяла злоупотреблять своими возможностями. Не хочу в это верить, абсолютно. :p
    Нейтрал, Iris, Natalie and 3 others like this.
  5. Moroz

    Moroz Активный пользователь Участник

    Как-будто отзыв прочитал в Яндексе
    Somebody, Seda, ✿Kira✿ and 4 others like this.
  6. iOFl

    iOFl Постоянный пользователь Участник

    Так-то да, но языковой барьер никто не отменял, господа.
    Я вообще не берусь что-то делать на зарубежном сервере, т.к. не успеваю на лету уверенно распознавать что происходит, шутка или зловредность какая.

    Идеально когда модеры - сами носители языка.
  7. Arturka

    Arturka Постоянный пользователь Участник

    Лучше глухому дать права администратора, тогда проблем вообще не будет
  8. Ogoom

    Ogoom Активный пользователь Участник

    какого? там только у маленькой доли английский - родной, остальные тупо выучили, так же как и мы в школе. щас на еу два админа основных - нидерландец и перуанец. С руским сервером все понятно, там действительно есть языковой барьер, к интернациональным серверам правило модер - носитель хрен применишь. Я не говорю что нету смысла искать носителей разных языков, тот же перуанец неплохо покрывает испаноговорящих, но так называемый общий английский у админов еу такой же как у любого другого кто учился в школе +-.
    Iris likes this.
  9. Evredian

    Evredian Новичок

    Главное что мне комфортно отзывом расписать и смысл понятен, остальное неважно ^^
  10. mk1

    mk1 Активный пользователь Участник

    I'm not holding a grudge, I'm just stating the facts about how you behaved. Even now you are trying to somehow offend me with "you need to go to a psychiatric hospital" and so on, and with that trying to connect my message with Natalie, that im here cause of her or something like that, but this topic about Iris and your company, no? Our business with her is our business. We solved them among ourselves, although at times it happened on the server, we did not harm other players by doing something on purpose.
    And for all the cases we have already served well-deserved bans and do not complain.
    If you're trying to hurt me somehow, you won't succeed anyway.
    And your manner of communication has remained toxic from our last communication.
  11. Natalie

    Natalie Пользователь Участник

    What mutes and bans have i caused? (as you said yourself already you got muted for the right reasons, not because of me) so where? I'm not even in the core-ss discord, and haven't complained to any admins, if only to remove an accidently ban for a failed molly etc. I had no part in any mutes, let's get that clear. I don't go so far to make a whole report , because even if i did , i know you bunch will collect together and try to ruin the gameplay for us only because we said something. That's the main reason, i didn't do a complaint against you and haven't. lmao, what power do you think I hold? You don't know me, that's fact so don't speak as you do, you saying I complain about every insult really says it all. Don’t confuse me for babby . You have the audacity to play some saint and try and go against iris because she doesn't let you get away with your crap as if you're above everyone. We're not stupid, we know the shit you talk behind our backs, so stop trying to play the good guy here. you and your bunch can go back to your discords and hide there, you talk enough crap there already about us players and the server. I'm not offended, I'm not your friend or enemy to care enough. Don’t mistake my helping in game for friendship. All the bad admins were removed already, including you. I don't care what you say or do, but if you come up to the forum talking hypocrisy and nonsense, so expect the repercussions . You can throw all the insults you want, but one thing i do know is that you would never say them straight up to our faces. You act is if I’m dying to get you muted, if i was i already could've done it with all that i saw during my gameplay around you. why didn't i? oh right I don't care about you, as much as you think. I care enough to write it for iris, not you. And this wasn’t months or years ago , it was all during this month , so don’t claim that i have some longtime grudge against you . Im done with the topic, as i feel it already had an outcome.
    Iris likes this.
  12. iOFl

    iOFl Постоянный пользователь Участник

    И пицот рублей получить за положительный отзыв на Яндекс маркете ^^
    Iris likes this.
  13. Skelmer

    Skelmer Администратор сервера Coop Участник

    Ещё создайте тему с голосованием "Remove admin from Accelarator for being too abusive on the server" :D
  14. Accelerator

    Accelerator Главный Администратор Staff Member Администратор

    You were given the opportunity to remove the chat and microphone restrictions when communicating with me on Discord, Iris was not against it. You didn’t even take these words into account and think that every time the admins should reassure you like in kindergarten and give warnings. If a player systematically violates the rules, he will not receive any warnings. Also, you said that you would not mind a ban for 3 days, instead of restricting communications, however, we do not practice this method of punishment, since we do not consider it effective. The player can at any time ask to remove the restrictions if he admitted his mistake and agrees to change his behavior. You never said this and continued to argue with me that it would be more correct to just give you a ban for a few days. But it's not up to you to decide how exactly who should be punished.

    Alas, you yourself create problems for yourself and do not want to admit mistakes, trying to find a mistake in others.
    Нейтрал and Iris like this.
  15. Нейтрал

    Нейтрал Постоянный пользователь Участник

    Тот же вопрос задавал Акселю, кокгда кто-то русскоговорящий, пытался решить вопрос через чат, то ли EU, то ли US сервера. Либо их единицы, либо они там в ус не дуют!

    Попрошу меня не вмешивать, в ваши словесные перипетии![​IMG]
  16. sugoi

    sugoi Активный пользователь Участник

    When the auto censor was initially introduced, I was muted due to my use of slurs—many of which were meant as jokes or light-hearted banter. I spoke with Accel, who subsequently unmuted me. After that, my use of inappropriate language became infrequent. This change made sense why Accelerator would implement such feature, and I gradually accepted it.

    Over the past month, I've felt as though I'm walking on eggshells whenever I attempt to make a joke. While the joke might be acceptable to me and other English speakers, Iris doesn't seem to grasp the context. Other individuals share this sentiment as well. As a result, I haven't been as active in the game this month. This is partially due to reaching the maximum rank, but also because I can no longer engage in light-hearted banter with my friends.

    Iris has generally performed well; she adheres to the rules and assigns punishments appropriately, although some might argue they are a bit excessive. Nonetheless, the underlying issue remains that she struggles to fully comprehend English.

    I'm not placing blame on anyone here. The Russian users who responded to this thread could be accurate in their assessment of Iris's behavior—there's no certainty. However, the language barrier creates a significant distinction. I'm simply wondering if there's a possible solution, such as introducing new native administrators or refining the rules specifically for the European server.
  17. Ogoom

    Ogoom Активный пользователь Участник

    Dude got 1 mute from Iris for map and went crying. Btw indian talking about proper english.
  18. sugoi

    sugoi Активный пользователь Участник

    It was mute for a small word which stated what Iris's problems/future intentions are. She's just doing her job unknown about context. Also I just stated what I and some of my friends felt like, if Accel wants to talk to Iris it's his descision if not it's okay too.

    That being said you are being very racist and talking like a kid, real mature for a 28yr old
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2023
  19. Ogoom

    Ogoom Активный пользователь Участник

    My deepest apologies mister super adult and to all your super adult friends, im really sorry your feelings got hurt after mutes for slurs and racist behaviour, my goal of pointing out your nationality was basically about making clear you are not pro english speaker as well, so such arguments are invalid. Words have translations and translations are abusive, rules say its doesnt matter if its a joke, i have spoken.[​IMG]
  20. Kristinka^^

    Kristinka^^ Постоянный пользователь Участник

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