server disconnection

Discussion in 'Main' started by FrDozkii, Jan 14, 2024.

  1. FrDozkii

    FrDozkii Новичок Участник

    Today the server is losing connection every 3 minutes (CORE-SS :: US Coop-24), I have no problems with the internet connection and it seems that I am not the only one, because when I enter again I only find 2 people who were connected

    Do you know if the server is working on it?

  2. Somebody

    Somebody Постоянный пользователь Участник

    The only solution i can give you that works for me is to use VPN.
  3. FrDozkii

    FrDozkii Новичок Участник

    Thank you for responding, it seems that you have already solved the server problem, I will keep it in mind for a next opportunity:)