Semantic - No Hope Left

Discussion in 'Main' started by Cure Dream, Jan 22, 2014.

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  1. Cure Dream

    Cure Dream Постоянный пользователь Участник

    Вы не навредит ему)
    beauty likes this.
  2. beauty

    beauty Активный пользователь Участник

  3. ADekvat

    ADekvat Активный пользователь Участник

    Selling Garage
    Gaara likes this.
  4. Cure Dream

    Cure Dream Постоянный пользователь Участник

    Don't understand
  5. z0mbi

    z0mbi Постоянный пользователь Участник

    Russian joke)
  6. Cure Dream

    Cure Dream Постоянный пользователь Участник

  7. Cure Dream

    Cure Dream Постоянный пользователь Участник

    Chapter 2: Escape of one, Death of many
    I awoke in the middle of night after having reoccurring nightmares. It's the reason I wouldn't sleep properly since the virus. The same nightmares over and over replayed almost every time I slept. The camp's therapist Zombi, diagnosed me with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). I didn't believe him, I wasn't crazy or dangerous. This world was just difficult. But of course no one would believe me. I was almost positive that there were others who had the disorder too. A soldier who was patrolling the building came into my room. I glanced over at him, as he was unfamiliar to me. (All the people here were.) "Why are you in here?" I asked with a slight attitude in my voice. The man seemed a little taken back as he didn't really say anything. He turned to leave but he glanced
    over his shoulder "You made a mistake coming here..." With that, he disappeared to the dark corridor. I made a mistake...coming here? If anything I didn't really have a choice to come here. The winter's wind howled as I sat in the darkness. Who was that man?
    2 hours had passed after that guy left his words in my mind. It was shortly after a sound of a helicopter echoed. I quickly looked out my window saw the giant steel blades send the snow in a frenzy. A few soldiers rushed in with guns ready as the back door opened slowly. I waited and waited for something to happened and just as I did fear and confusion surfaced from within. An enormous cage appeared from the helicopter, within the cage was a Tank. The massive beast roared as the soldiers escorted the caged beast behind the Commander's building.
    What kind of camp would bring the zombies inside? I put my shoes on and swiftly grabbed my pistol before running outside to IceNick's guard tower. "IceNick! IceNick!" I shouted as I climbed the ladder to his guard tower. When I reached the top no one was there. All the guard towers were empty. No soldier was in sight. Were they all handling the Tank? I noticed a tree was coincidentally close to the guard tower. If timed correctly I could reach the tree and escape. Once and for all. I rather take my chances back into a world of ruin than live in a camp of false safety.

    'Okay...okay' I breathed slowly and prepared myself for the jump. "One...two...thr-" Just when I had jumped and grabbed onto the tree's branches I heard a voice of a soldier "Ты что **** делаешь?!" he shouted at me. His name tag on his shirt read "Bomber." I didn't even look back at him as I continued climbing through the tree to reach the ground. Once I felt the snow underneath my shoes again, I ran...I ran with all I could back into the world of death and destruction. I turned around to see Core-SS in the distance and search lights dancing in the night sky.
    I escaped.
    Гражданский сбежал! Гражданский сбежал!!" Bomber shouted across the snowy terrain, alerting Евгеша and IceNick.
    "Что!, кто?" Евгеша responded back with worry. She didn't want to believe this at all. She glared at Bomber for an answer. All he replied back was "Я не знаю..."
    "что мы должны делать, Евгеша?" IceNick finally spoke, breaking the sudden silence on them.

    "Проинформируйте главнокомандующих."

    The next morning Евгеша walking to Holly's room with a nice hot cup of hot chocolate. "Доброе утро, сестра." Евгеша smiled at her as she set the cup on the night table next to her. Holly arose from her soft bed and went into the bathroom for a nice relaxing shower. The younger sister left a note next to the cup, explaining the incident from last night. Евгеша didn't want to see her older sister's reaction when she read the note so Евгеша carried on with her duties at the camp. It wasn't until 30 minutes later Zevs appeared with a face of despair and horrified look in his eyes. He had blood on his hands and clothes. He was shaking a bit. Евгеша dropped her clipboard allowing it to fall into the snow and examined the blood on him. It was fresh. "The experiment was a success..." He struggled to unveil the next words from his frozen lips. "Bomber, Banah, Fender, and Voland...are dead." A couple of teardrops fell from his face and onto the snow. Евгеша hugged him, trying her best to comfort him. She sent him to Zombi since he was therapist. Евгеша knew that Zevs was frightened from that. But in the back of her mind she wondered if everything would be okay at Core-SS. She couldn't cry like Zevs could. People were relying on her for support and guidance. Now...How is she going to tell Holly this?
    Kristinka^^, Atlantis, Holly and 5 others like this.
  8. z0mbi

    z0mbi Постоянный пользователь Участник

    Я псих^^, доктор псих, а что за эксперимент??? Зевс ты должен знать ты там был!!! Отвечай!!!
    P.S. И нет Крошка сцена в душе тоже останется за кадром
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2014
  9. beauty

    beauty Активный пользователь Участник

    Сильно! Очень тонко передает весь спектр чувств и эмоций xD
    Bomber - неотесанный грубиян,
    Zevs - плакса,
    Holly и Евгеша - сексуальные сестрички, скорее всего убежденные феминистки, благодаря своему доминирующему положению. Носят обтягивающую кожаную одежду xD Ладно, в последнем приврал, фантазия что то разыгралась :D
    Zombi - местный лечило :p
    В принципе, все правда.
  10. z0mbi

    z0mbi Постоянный пользователь Участник

    Тут краткость излишня, лучше бы картинки нарисовал для самых маленьких бесполезное ты создание, тебя даже не убили в конце
  11. Cure Dream

    Cure Dream Постоянный пользователь Участник

    Zombi - терапевт (не психо <3)
    Accel и Холли - командиры
    Zevs - плакса,
    Bomber - импульсивный?) жертвой эксперимента
    Fender, Banah, Voland - жертвами эксперимента

    Интересно, кто таинственный солдат, которые сказали мне "Вы сделали ошибку приезжать сюда ..." :p Beauty? Professor? Who knows)
  12. Cure Dream

    Cure Dream Постоянный пользователь Участник

    Смерть воля солдат будет объяснено)
  13. Ice_Nick

    Ice_Nick Активный пользователь Участник

    Даже уточнили что я мало говорю :D
  14. Cure Dream

    Cure Dream Постоянный пользователь Участник

    You can talk, you are just usually silent)
  15. SilentBomber

    SilentBomber Пользователь Участник

    Hmmm... you change your mind about my part in story )) And all how i'm told, i died first in list :D

    Ты заступил на дежурство и видишь как чекнутая американская девченка прыгает со стены на дерево... Nicole описала реакцию моего солдата вполне правдоподобно, но слишком прилично :D
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2014
    Cure Dream likes this.
  16. Cure Dream

    Cure Dream Постоянный пользователь Участник

    Я тебя не убил ><
    I describe you well because that is how I believe you would behave)
    SilentBomber likes this.
  17. Cure Dream

    Cure Dream Постоянный пользователь Участник

    Beauty went on duty? o__O Little Beauty not mentioned in the story yet)
  18. SilentBomber

    SilentBomber Пользователь Участник

    Я описал ситуацию, в которой был мой солдат для Beauty.

    Я попытался бы вас остановить, применив силу. И я верю что в уставе CORE-SS это должно было быть предусмотрено :D
  19. Cure Dream

    Cure Dream Постоянный пользователь Участник

    О, это позор, Beauty не мог видеть "Crazy American girl jump from wall to tree"))
    Atlantis and SilentBomber like this.
  20. Cure Dream

    Cure Dream Постоянный пользователь Участник

    ;D Я удивляюсь, почему вы были единственным солдатом появляться :rolleyes:
    SilentBomber likes this.

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