153Tk On Purpose Or Not ?

Discussion in 'Main' started by Altar75, Oct 30, 2014.

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  1. skullscar

    skullscar Новичок

    sorry but i cant understand what you said, google translate is only capable of translating one in every 3 words to english. translating to my language (croatian) is far, far worse :(
  2. Cpt_Obviuos

    Cpt_Obviuos Новичок

    I do not think those who play almost every day are deliberately trying to kill us, but I could be wrong. People are trying to kill us every day , now that I think about it ... o_O

    In any case, unless someone just blatantly mows people down, it becomes difficult for someone to blame them for TK. Sometimes you make a bad shot; sometimes people run into your Molotov; still other times - and these are the ones that piss me off - people see you shoot and move directly into the line of fire . Like, seriously. It makes me wonder how these people lived as long as they have, to be honest!

    My point is, we all make mistakes. Yes, you too. If we were severely punished when we made them every time ... well, okay, the world would be pretty awesome, but it's impossible (for some reason) .
    Most of all, though: it is ONLY A GAME . If someone has trouble playing with others, he or she is probably an asshole and below you, which is where assholes belong. ;)

    That is the best I can translate what I said in Russian. Sorry if either is bad. :)
  3. skullscar

    skullscar Новичок

    its a very good translation :)
    and i agree with the things you said
    Cpt_Obviuos likes this.

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