[L4D2] Аддоны. Разрешенные/Запрещенные

Discussion in 'Общие вопросы' started by Accelerator, Nov 14, 2018.

  1. 21 дюйм

    21 дюйм Активный пользователь Участник

    аддоны на изменение прицела разрешены?
  2. Somebody

    Somebody Постоянный пользователь Участник

    What about those of us who have personal mods? It will be enough just to upload them to the steam workshop,it doesn't matter if they are private,right?
  3. Accelerator

    Accelerator Главный Администратор Staff Member Администратор

    Yes, but in this case, in case of suspicion, addons can also be disabled for you.
    Somebody likes this.
  4. Somebody

    Somebody Постоянный пользователь Участник

    It's a simple witch mod,but I'll leave it public then.