The server is a game with a non-standard number of game slots and a high level of difficulty.

Features of the server:
  • Unique player statistics for the server, with the ability to evaluate your game skill, rank, achievements, game level and much more!
  • Incendiary and Explosive Ammo Boxes have many effects that affect gameplay!
  • The grenade launcher and machine gun are loaded using boxes of incendiary or explosive cartridges.
  • Automatic adjustment of game difficulty depending on the number of players on the server.
  • Weapons, ammo, healths are dropped by Special Infected when they are killed.
  • Different boss classes.
  • Different classes of reinforced Tanks with unique abilities.
  • Sometimes you can play as a Tank if Tankbox will be opened!
  • For a rescued gnome or a cola brought into the saferoom, you are given additional points.
  • Players with the status "is going to die" are highlighted with a white aura.
  • On some maps, you need to complete additional actions to progress further.
  • Backbacks and Vaults placed in random locations on maps.
  • Lots of unique plugins written specifically for our server!
  • and much more...

Player coloring by points:
  1. 5000 Points - light green color
  2. 10000 Points - blue-green color
  3. 20000 Points - blue color
  4. 40000 Points - green color
  5. 80000 Points - purple color
  6. 160000 Points - pink color
  7. 320000 Points - red color
  8. 640000 Points - orange color

ProRank levels and the number of points required to move to a new level:
  1. You need 400000 points (total 640000 points) (black color)
  2. You need 300000 points (+1 point for killing bosses)
  3. You need 200000 points
  4. You need 300000 points (+1 point for killing bosses; total increase +2 points)
  5. You need 400000 points
  6. You need 500000 points (+1 point for killing bosses; total increase +3 points)
  7. You need 600000 points
  8. You need 700000 points (+1 point for killing bosses; total increase +4 points)
  9. You need 800000 points
  10. You need 900000 points (+1 point for killing bosses; total increase +5 points)
  11. You need 1000000 points
  12. You need 1100000 points (+1 point for killing bosses; total increase +6 points)
Also on ProRank there is an opportunity to get Jackpot for killing bosses in the amount of 750, 1000 and 1800 points.

Ranks in relation to the skill:
  • SSS (Grandmaster) need skill 2600
  • SS (Expert+) need skill 1800
  • S (Expert) need skill 1250
  • A (Master) need skill 1000
  • B (Ace) need skill 800
  • C (Veteran) need skill 500
  • D (Survivor) need skill 300
  • E (Nomad) skill below 300.


There are currently 10 visitor(s) online

Coop servers

CORE-SS :: Coop-24
PLAYERS: 11 / 24
CORE-SS :: EU Coop-25
PLAYERS: 25 / 25
CORE-SS :: US Coop-24
PLAYERS: 24 / 24

Versus servers

CORE-SS :: Versus
PLAYERS: 0 / 24