!cfscommand for suicide
!dropdrop primary weapon
!speclistobserver player's list
!smmute the player's voice
!suunmute the player's voice
!cmcheck player mute status
!rank [#userID|Name]your current position in the statistics (or another player)
!stats [#userID|Name]your statistics for the current map (or another player)
!toplist of top players
!playerslist of online players
!colorcolor selection
!nextnext campaign
!stuckif you are stuck
!nickthe skin of the character Nick
!ellisthe skin of the character Ellis
!coachthe skin of the character Coach
!rochellethe skin of the character Rochelle
!billthe skin of the character Bill
!francisthe skin of the character Francis
!zoeythe skin of the character Zoey
!louisthe skin of the character Louis


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