CORE-SS Versus

  1. All kinds of deliberate friendly fire is forbidden.
  2. It is forbidden to sabotage others. Constant rushing, quick passage of the map and playing only for yourself is not the purpose of a this game. Listen to the opinions of players! Changing teams without a reason is prohibited.
  3. Insults and provoking players as well administrators on the server is not allowed under any circumstances. This includes nicknames and/or sprays, aggressive communication, bullying, etc.
  4. Open voice chat, unintelligible noises, soundboards, bad microphone quality and players talking in the voice chat under 16 years old will be followed with a mute. Please don't scream in voice chat, not everyone is interested.
  5. The administrator independently determines the punishment for the player based on the severity of the violation. It is forbidden to discuss admin-related matters. If you have something to discuss, feel free to use the server forum or Discord.
  6. Discussing other servers in-game is prohibited, advertising of any kind is prohibited. Political propaganda and provoking opinions are also prohibited.
  7. It is forbidden to use client scripts, macros, game bugs or cheat programs for your own advantage. Report bugs to the administration but don't use them. Also any cheats addons or addons that will give you a significant advantage in the game is strictly prohibited!
  8. Discussing the server in a disrespecting manner as well as overly rude communication (curse words) will be followed by a mute or ban.
  9. Sprays of NSFW are prohibited. Sprays with any kind of propaganda and call for any action are prohibited. Also prohibited are sprays that, directly or indirectly, will humiliate the honor and dignity of other players.
  10. If admins or higher-ranked players kick other players without a valid reason is forbidden and if you get kicked in such situation, you can ask in the forums or Discord channel for clarification, we will take a look at the case.
  11. Server administrators may in some cases deviate from the existing rules and punish players for what they see as illegal action at their own discretion. Please keep in mind that our actions are done to protect the server's friendly enviroment and its players.
  12. Using alt accounts to avoid a ban is forbidden and will get your other account(s) banned too. We ban players, not accounts.
  13. Don't spam or flood in voice and text chat.
  14. Intentionally playing victim and attempting your best to get other players in trouble will only end with you being in trouble instead.
  15. It is forbidden to kick players for the fact that they do not help you in the game process for any reason beyond their control. Remember that not all players on the server can play professionally and as a team.
  16. Stalking of players is prohibited.
  17. Your game statistics on the server can be deleted after 2 years, if you have not logged into the server during this time.
  18. You automatically agree to these rules when playing on the server, regardless of their knowledge by you.


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